最舒服的爱爱姿势 在床上用这些姿势嘿咻最舒服

1The most comfortable love position one is lying on your backThis sex position has one feature in common with the traditional male-up and female-down pose, which is that it is convenient for men to enter. In fact, that i


The most comfortable love position one is lying on your back

This sex position has one feature in common with the traditional male-up and female-down pose, which is that it is convenient for men to enter. In fact, that is what we call double overlapping. Specifically, the man lies down, the woman spreads her legs, and the man lies on her back. Grasp her thighs at this point, and you'll be able to master the deep rhythm and angle of the thrusts with relative freedom. Tip: This pose can easily throw her off balance in wild moments, so make sure to hold on to her legs.

最舒服的爱爱姿势 在床上用这些姿势嘿咻最舒服


The most comfortable love position four legs hug chest

Although it is said that this position is more comfortable for men, in the process, it will make the woman's back too high and get out of the support of the bed and become uncomfortable. So, no matter how high you are, remember not to let her body lose support and waste the pleasure. To do this, have her lie flat and raise her legs until they are at a 90-degree angle to her body. You get down on your knees in front of her, clasping her legs against your chest. In addition, because her legs close together can also experience the feeling of tightening more than ever.

最舒服的爱爱姿势 在床上用这些姿势嘿咻最舒服


The most comfortable love position five double-legged cross-waist pose

This sex position is similar to the riding style, and it is also a position where women master sex, but the most comfortable one is men. The specific approach is. Men sit cross-legged on the bed, or on the floor, and women sit on the man's lap with their legs crossed around the man's waist. This time by the female up and down jerking and male orgasm. Suggestion: Men are on the wall or headboard, which can better support the back, and women can balance better and get better the more they ride.

最舒服的爱爱姿势 在床上用这些姿势嘿咻最舒服


The most comfortable love position six

This pose is somewhat similar to the rear entry, but this pose is more effective. For most men, the depth of penetration is an important indicator of sex quality, but some traditional positions may not meet this need to the greatest extent. In this position, which advocates the supremacy of men's pleasure, she only needs to let her bend her body on the sofa or some other comfortable furniture, raise her hips and open her legs, then the depth of entry is no longer a big problem.

最舒服的爱爱姿势 在床上用这些姿势嘿咻最舒服

