
互联网用户还可以在线观看演说的视频,演说的文本也将在王室官方网站上发布。Internet users can also view the speech online and a text version will be posted on the royal Web site.真是机缘凑巧,他居然找着了客厅,她正好一个人在

  • 互联网用户还可以在线观看演说的视频,演说的文本也将在王室官方网站上发布。Internet users can also view the speech online and a text version will be posted on the royal Web site.

  • 真是机缘凑巧,他居然找着了客厅,她正好一个人在那儿坐着。By some strange concurrence of favourable circumstances he had found out the drawing-room, and sitting there alone

  • 在线in-line

  • 一个人one

  • 在线观看下载The Attic-In your eyes MTV

  • 当我看到一个人在黑暗中慢慢朝我走来时,我怕得要死。I was scared to death when I saw someone walking slowly towards me in the dark.

  • 她一个人在一条空巷行走时,忽然间四周冒出几个年轻人。When she walked alone in a narrow alley,suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her.

  • 他们发现钱被盗时就我一个人在办公室,我可真是跳进黄河也洗不清。When they discovered that I had been the only person in the office when the money had been stolen I was really in dead lumber.

  • 一个人在学校公告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。I buy it second- hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board.

  • uga-agga这个项目的名字不是在开玩笑,这是一个有很多人在玩的多人在线游戏。Uga-agga - The name of this project is not a joke, but the name of a massively multiplayer online game playing in the time of the homo errectus.

  • 唐:牛奶?好吧。像你这么漂亮的女孩子怎么一个人在这里?Don: Milk? OK. What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?

  • 以非营利为目的,独立掌管一个小型语音通信平台仅供其多人在线游戏所使用的。An individual hosting a small TeamSpeak server for their online gaming clan for non-profit.

  • 从前她经常乘公共汽车,可现在恐惧使她无法一个人在这个城市中行走。She used to take the bus,but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself.

  • 其含义就是: 一个人在谈话的时候,手中拿着那枝尘,很温雅地挥动着。The idea was that one was to hold the chu in his hand and wave it gracefully about in the air during conversation.

  • 青春意味着一个人在气质上勇猛盖过怯懦,冒险多于安逸。Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.

  • 如果一个人在一个地方住久了,迟早他要尝一下本地风味。Some time or another if one live in a place one must try the local product.

  • 他一个人在上面踱了一阵。 她的面庞占据了他的全部思想。Alone, he paced the hilltop, all his thoughts devoted to Ming-feng.

  • 这些条件决定着一个人在跟别人交往时所能得到的待遇。This kind of conditions determine the treatment a person will get when interacting with people.

  • 他发现别人已经在那里开会,正有一个人在那里发表意见。He found that the meeting was underway and someone was stating his opinions.

  • 河狸的居室有时大得足以让一个人在里边把身子蜷作一团。Sometimes these living-rooms are large enough for a man to curl up in.

