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自拍或者拍照时噘嘴不知从什么时候开始成了一种潮流,社交网站上充斥着各种各样的嘟嘴照片。因为这个潮流波及范围很广,以至于连牛津在线词典都要给它正名了。 All of our worst nightmares have been realized. The term duck face has


All of our worst nightmares have been realized. The term “duck face” has gained the legitimacy that can only be awarded by an entry into OxfordDictionaries.com, meaning that frenemie of yours that keeps quacking it up for the camera can continue to do so into 2015.

我们所有的噩梦都已成真。Duck face一词因为被收录进牛津在线词典而获得正式认可,这意味着,你那些拍照时爱嘟嘴的友敌们可以在2015年接着这么干。

Duck face is an exaggerated pouting expression in which the lips are thrust outwards, typically made by a person posing for a photograph.

Duck face指拍照时摆出的一种夸张的将嘴唇向前凸出的表情,即“嘟嘴照”或者“鸭嘴脸”。

