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Camilla 和 Mario 两人在看完美食节目后口水直流,把食谱抄下来后便决定跟著名厨动手做。他们能不能成功做出披萨呢?Camilla: Okay, what should we do first?Camilla:好啦,我们要先做什么呢?Mario: We have to preheat the oven to 2

Camilla 和 Mario 两人在看完美食节目后口水直流,把食谱抄下来后便决定跟著名厨动手做。他们能不能成功做出披萨呢?

Camilla: Okay, what should we do first?


Mario: We have to preheat the oven to 240℃ and make enough dough for two pizza bases.

Mario:我们要先把烤箱预热到 240 度,然后做两块 pizza 的面团。

Camilla: Got it. The recipe says we need three quarters of a cup warm water, a teaspoon active dry yeast, a handful of sugar, two cups all-purpose flour, and one and a half teaspoons salt.

Camilla:了解。食谱上说我们需要 3/4 杯温水、一茶匙的活性干酵母、少许的糖、2 杯中筋面粉、1/2 茶匙的盐。

Mario: All right! All ingredients are prepared! Let’s see… the first step is to dissolve the yeast in the water.

Mario:好啦!所有食材都准备好了!我看看… 第一步是让酵母在水里溶解。

Camilla: Next step is to add flour and salt, and then stir it until it forms a shaggy dough.



Mario: Then knead the dough for about 5 to 8 minutes until it turns into a smooth ball.

Mario:接着要揉面团揉 5 到 8 分钟,直到面团变成一颗光滑的球状。

Camilla: Oh, no! The dough is so sticky! I think I’ve messed it up!


Mario: Here’s a top tip: If the dough sticks to the bowl, add a tablespoon of flour to the mix.  You should also keep some flour on your hands when you’re kneading.


(After struggling with the sticky dough for a while…)


Camilla: Phew! I think I’ve got it now! Now we just have to let the dough rise for a few hours.


handful (n.) 少量 

hand 是「手」,handful 就是「一把的量」或「少数;少量」,常用 a handful of 表示「少量的…」。而要表示「一小撮」则可用 a pinch of。烹饪常见的单位还有:cup (杯)、teaspoon (茶匙)、tablespoon (大匙),在食谱上,茶匙常写成 t 或 tsp,大匙则写成 T 或 tbsp。

You should add a handful of salt to enhance the flavor.


all-purpose flour (n.) 中筋面粉

all-purpose flour 字面上的意思是多用途的面粉,也就是指「中筋面粉」,也可以称作 plain flour。补充:高筋面粉因为口感 Q 弹,适合拿来做面包,因此便称为 bread flour 或 strong flour;低筋面粉口感松软,适合用来做糕点,便称为 cake flour。

All-purpose flour is suitable for making cookies and cakes.


knead (v.) 揉;捏

knead 是指「揉;捏」,特别用来指揉面团,要注意字首的 k 不发音,读做 /nid/。

Kneading dough with your hands requires more effort than you think.


rise (v.) 发酵

rise 除了「升高;上升」的意思外,用在烘焙上是指「(让面团、面包) 发;发酵胀起来」,注意动词三态为 rise-rose-risen。

Leave the dough to rise until it doubles in size.



Camilla: The recipe says to divide the dough in half and roll each of them into a round 10-inch base. Where is the rolling pin?

Camilla:食谱上说将面团分成两块,各杆成 10 吋的圆形,杆面棍在哪?

Mario: Here you are. I’ll prepare the toppings. One of the pizzas is Hawaiian and the other is wild mushroom and vegetables, right?


Camilla: Yeah, so you have to dice the pineapple and thinly slice the ham, mushrooms, bell peppers, and olives. Don’t forget to fry the bell peppers first before putting them on the pizza.


Mario: Roger that! If you finish rolling out the bases, you can place them on the tray. Don’t forget to sprinkle some cornmeal on the tray first, or the dough will stick.


Camilla: I know. I’m going to spoon the tomato sauce over the pizza bases. You can put the toppings on.


Mario: Okay. I want sprinkle a load of of grated Parmesan cheese on them as well!


Camilla: Done! Let’s slide the pizza into the oven.


Mario: That was really fun! We should try making cream puffs next time.


rolling pin (n.) 杆面棍

动词 roll 有「滚动」的意思,所以 rolling pin 就是「杆面棍」。这边补充其他常见的烘焙工具:stand mixer (桌上型搅拌机)、whisk (手持搅拌器)、spatula (抹刀)、mold (模子;模具)。

Use a rolling pin is used to flatten the dough.


topping (n.) 配料;酱汁

top 是「顶端」,因此 topping 就是加在食物上的「配料」或淋在食物上的「酱汁」,是可数名词。 top 也可以当动词使用,片语 be topped with sth. 就是「在食物上面加上…」。

You can choose four toppings for your ice cream.

你可以帮妳的冰淇淋选 4 种配料。

dice (v.) 切丁 / slice (v.) 切片

dice 本来是「骰子」,当动词意为「切丁」,slice 原本是「一片」,作动词则是「切片」。另外补充:切得比丁状大块的叫 chop (切块)、切得比丁状小块的叫 mince (切成碎末)、「切丝」则是 shred。

After dicing the beef and slicing the onions, add a pinch of salt and stir-fry everything for two minutes.

把牛肉切丁、洋葱切片后,加入一小撮盐再快炒 2 分钟。

grated (adj.) 刨碎的;磨碎的

形容词 grated 是「刨碎的;磨碎的」,其动词形是 grate,意指「刨碎;磨碎」,grater 则是「刨丝器」。上面提到的 shred (切丝),切出来的东西偏细长形,grater 刨出来的东西会比较小段。

The spaghetti was topped with grated lemon zest.


