
Marital sex life is a part of normal life, and sexual health care is necessary. Therefore, when to have sex is also important. Among them, many men and women choose to have sex in the early morning. Some people say that

Marital sex life is a part of normal life, and sexual health care is necessary. Therefore, when to have sex is also important. Among them, many men and women choose to have sex in the early morning. Some people say that it is not good for their health, while others say that it is good for their health. So morning sex is good? How should women maintain the health of their private parts before and after sex? Next, we will introduce them one by one for your reference.


Is sex in the morning okay? 7 Benefits of Morning Sex

1. Enhance body immunity

Studies have found that couples who maintain "morning love" 2-3 times a week generally have better immune globulin activity and higher immunity than couples who never have morning love.

2. Improve work motivation

Try it and you will know that if you stay in bed for an extra 30 minutes in the morning and have close contact with him, the cell vitality of your brain will be mobilized, your thinking will become more agile, you will be confident in yourself, and you will dare to meet any item. work challenges.

3. Instead of running in the morning

You have been taught from a young age that "running outdoors in the morning is good for your health", but can you insist on getting up and running in the morning? If the answer is no, then "bed exercise" is the best substitute for "outdoor running", you must know love for 30 minutes The fat burning effect is not inferior to jogging for 30 minutes.


4. Promote lymphatic drainage

During the process of love, it is also affected by the changes of hormones in the body, your metabolism will speed up, especially the efficiency of lymphatic drainage will be improved. With the sweat secreted during love, a variety of acidic metabolic wastes that cause physical discomfort in the body will be excreted. If you can share a big glass of lemon honey water with him after sex, the detoxification work in the body is more complete.

5. Create a good mood

New research finds that women who like to have sex in the morning have better emotional control than women who never have sex in the morning. They were in a good mood for longer and had fewer negative emotions such as depression, irritability, and low mood. Psychologists say that with a sexy, passionate, loving and caring start to the morning, you will certainly look forward to the day without fear of any stress.

6. Burn deep fat

After a night of digestion, your carbohydrate stores are almost depleted by morning sex. When doing intense "bed exercise" at this time, the body needs to burn deep fat to provide energy support. In addition, during the process of love, due to changes in the concentration of hormones in your body, the fat burning effect is better than simple exercise. many.

7. Eliminate muscle soreness

You sit in front of the computer all day and work, so your back hurts all over your body. Then morning love is the most important healing exercise you can't miss. First of all, the pleasure hormone endorphins secreted by your body during love have an analgesic and psychedelic effect similar to marijuana, which can help you relieve all kinds of muscle soreness and discomfort. Secondly, love is also a kind of "gymnastics" that can exercise the muscles of the whole body, which can activate the rigid muscles of the whole body. Therefore, it can help you effectively burn deep fat, especially for eliminating fat in the waist and abdomen.


How should women maintain the health of their private parts before and after sex?

First of all, personal hygiene must be done well. Always wash your hands before and after sex. Hands are our commonly used body organs. It can be said that we touch everywhere and everything, so they are the most likely to be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. If you do not wash your hands thoroughly before sex, when you touch each other or touch your own body, the bacteria and germs on your hands are very likely to infect the reproductive system and cause reproductive system diseases. In addition to hand hygiene, another very important organ in sexual life is the reproductive organ. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must clean your private parts before having sex. Men's foreskin is very easy to be dirty and dirty, and it is easy to accumulate bacteria. Through the contact of sexual organs, it is easy to cause vaginal diseases in women.

Secondly, women should pay attention to gynecological examinations, preferably have the habit of regular gynecological examinations, and keep a clear understanding of personal physical conditions. Because some diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, for example, 50% of non-gonococcal urethritis have no symptoms, and human papillomavirus infection of the cervix also has no obvious symptoms. There are no obvious symptoms, but it is contagious. Therefore, women, especially women over the age of 25, had better do a detailed gynecological examination every year, especially Pap smear.

In addition, when the body has symptoms of discomfort, it is best to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, so as not to delay the treatment of the disease. After the onset of reproductive system diseases, everyone will experience different symptoms. For example, some vaginitis can cause itching and discomfort in the external genitalia, increased leucorrhea, bean dregs-like or foamy leucorrhea and other symptoms. Gonorrhea will have symptoms such as purulent leucorrhea and frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria. Condyloma acuminatum will grow growths on the genitals, syphilis will have rashes, etc.

Finally, you should take a bath before and after sex, and do a good job of personal cleaning. But you also need to be careful when taking a shower. Taking a warm bath before sex can increase the refreshment of each other's bodies, which is very beneficial to the perfection of sex. However, it should be noted that it is not advisable to take a hot bath for a long time, because after a hot bath, the blood vessels of the skin will be fully expanded, and a large amount of blood will flow into the dilated blood vessels of the skin. If you have sex immediately after taking a hot bath, the sexual organs will become hyperemic, and you must mobilize the blood distributed in the dilated blood vessels of the whole body to replenish the blood. Decreased blood volume, resulting in dizziness, fatigue, palpitations and other physical discomfort.

What should I do if I have frequent urination after sex? ?

In today's society, men's bodies often suffer from diseases due to various reasons. For example, many men often experience the phenomenon of frequent urination and urgency but unable to urinate. This kind of feeling is actually not very good. It also affects work.

As a result, many people have come to consult clinically what is the cause of frequent urination but urgency but cannot urinate, is it a disease, is it serious? , and so on. Let's analyze it below.

Frequent urination but can't urinate

Frequent urination and urgency is a very common phenomenon, but if it is accompanied by inability to urinate, the disease may be more serious, and after the occurrence of male diseases, patients and friends not only always get up at night, sleep well, but also It can also be painful when it comes to sex.

In fact, there are many reasons that can cause this disease in life, such as urinary tract infection, prostatitis, etc., which can cause such symptoms in men. See the introduction below for details.

Frequent urination but no urination specific reasons

1. Frequent urination, urgency of urination and inability to urinate are often caused by prostatitis, because although the prostate is small, it is very important for men and plays a great role. Therefore, the emergence of prostatitis will not only bring men to frequent urination, urgency to urinate, but also bring disharmony to men's sexual life.

2. Frequent urination, urgency and inability to urinate can also be caused by urinary tract infections, because the urinary system is in charge of a person's urine excretion. If there is a urinary tract infection, it will bring frequent urination and urgency to men No urine, but active treatment is required.


[Experts suggest] to develop the following habits to prevent frequent urination but urgency to urinate

1. The diet should be less spicy and not nutritious. Because for a person, spicy and irritating food itself is not good for the body, scientific eating habits can help patients with anti-inflammatory and pain relief, but some spicy and irritating foods will make the patient's inflammation recur, so patients should be cautious.

2, pay attention to sexual health. During sex, if you don't have a good habit, you will pass germs on to your partner. Therefore, the external genitalia should be cleaned before sex. If using contraceptives, also wash or sterilize them. You should urinate once before and after sex. Also, abstain from masturbation.

3. Drink more water: No matter what disease it is, drinking more water is beneficial, because drinking too much water will cause more urination, which can flush the urethra and eliminate some pathogenic bacteria, or It is to prevent infection to other places.


Clinically, men suffer from frequent urination and urgency, mostly due to prostate disease.

As the largest accessory gonad in men, the prostate is close to the surface of the human perineum, adjacent to the bladder and urethra, and communicated with the urethra by a pipe. Sometimes urine goes retrograde to the prostate, where bacteria can take advantage of it. Young people have strong sexual desire, and the prostate is often in a state of congestion; in old age, even if there is inflammation, it is often combined with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

In addition, if you have symptoms of hematuria and low back pain in addition to urgency and frequency, you should be alert to kidney stones. When the stone evolves into infection, it can lead to kidney function damage such as swollen feet and puffy eyes.

Urologists remind that middle-aged and elderly men who are over 40, overweight or obese, and have suffered from prostate disease must be vigilant once they find symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and dysuria. The normal physiological phenomena that appear are likely to be the harbingers of diseases such as the urinary system.

