
The amount of pubic hair varies greatly between men and women. Generally, women have less body hair than men. Female pubic hair generally appears when the breasts begin to develop, first appearing at the labia majora, an

The amount of pubic hair varies greatly between men and women. Generally, women have less body hair than men. Female pubic hair generally appears when the breasts begin to develop, first appearing at the labia majora, and then developing to the mons pubis triangle, where the distribution of pubic hair is an inverted triangle. Armpit hair grows after the appearance of pubic hair and before menarche.


pubic hair color change

White: Whitening of pubic hair is commonly caused by nutritional and spiritual factors, systemic diseases and some albinism. The pathogenesis is related to the skin

White pubic hair is caused by the decrease of melanin, which is related to age. Frequent massage or scratching of pubic hair like hair can delay the process of graying.

Yellow or red: Also related to age and nutrition, similar to white pubic hair.

Note: Some young people will dye their pubic hair in various colors for the beauty of pubic hair.

Attachments on pubic hair

A buildup on the pubic hair may have tinea pubis, which is caused by infection with Corynebacterium parvum. Bacteria grow in and between the cells of the hair epidermis, rarely involving the cortex. The pubic hair is characterized by yellow, black, and red aggregates on the pubic hair. The texture is hard or soft, and it is nodular or diffuse around the hair shaft. Hair shafts lose their luster, become brittle, and break easily. Hair roots and skin are not affected.

Due to the different colors of the agglomerates, local sweat and clothes can be colored and dyed yellow, red or black. In the past, the two were more common with black and the least. Treatment is shaving affected pubic hair, topical salicylic acid benzoate ointment or 1% formaldehyde in ethanol.

