
Entry overview: Sexual life (xìngshēnghuó) refers to fixed or unfixed sexual contact in order to meet one's own sexual needs, including hugging, kissing, caressing, sexual intercourse, etc. Sex life is not limited

Entry overview: Sexual life (xìngshēnghuó) refers to fixed or unfixed sexual contact in order to meet one's own sexual needs, including hugging, kissing, caressing, sexual intercourse, etc. Sex life is not limited to sexual intercourse. Sex life is an important part of husband and wife life, and it is the need for human survival and reproduction. New marriage is the beginning of sex life. Both men and women need to know some common sense about sex life.


Basic Information

Chinese name: sex life

Other Names: Make Love

English name: sexual life

Range: Mammals

Location: Genitals

Most common groups: adult men and women

Purpose: to obtain satisfaction or to reproduce offspring

sex process

The process can be divided into:

①, foreplay (hugging, kissing, stroking, fondling, teasing, oral sex, titty sex, etc.);

②, the male penis enters the female vagina;

③, frictional actions (pushing or piston movement, swinging, etc.) can use superb sex life skills to make sex partners more happy and enjoy the process of sex;

④, trigger orgasm (male ejaculation, female vaginal opening rhythmic contraction, so that both men and women are accompanied by discharge-like sexual pleasure and comfort); ⑤, continue to perform slower frictional movements (or still) to taste the pleasure enjoyment of the aftermath;

⑥, the male penis is weak and withdraws from the female vagina;

⑦, wipe the secretions on both sides of the genitals;

⑧, after play (stroking, kissing, hugging, etc.).

Specifically, the procedure of sexual life generally has several stages: transmission of sexual signals, flirting (foreplay), sexual massage, coitus activities, orgasm performance and post-event tenderness (after-play).


Sexual signals refer to the desires and feelings that couples transmit to each other for sexual behavior. Seeing sexual signals) Pre-sexual play is a sexually provocative behavior. Seeing women's big breasts and fat buttocks visually will bring sexy stimulation to men.

Orgasm, when the erection center gradually accumulates sexual excitement due to the friction of the penis in the vagina, when the sexual excitement reaches the excitation threshold of the ejaculation center, the parasympathetic nerves are excited at the same time, which causes the spasm of the bladder sphincter, the vas deferens and the smooth muscle of the seminal vesicles. A series of ejaculation movements such as paroxysmal contractions, which lead to orgasm.

After sex jokingly referred to as sex after sex, refers to the sexual activity after the completion of sexual intercourse. this is the last link in the chain of sexual intercourse, as a follow-up and supplement to sexual intercourse. There are some differences in the time of the sexual response cycle of men and women. The extinction period of women is longer than that of men. Some women's sexual tension declines in a slope. At this time, they still hope to accept a certain appropriate sexual stimulation.

