女人怎么自慰能到高潮 试试这4个妙招

Normal people, both men and women, have various emotions and six desires. When a woman cannot express her sexual desire through sex, she also has the right to solve it through masturbation. Many of these women can orgasm

Normal people, both men and women, have various emotions and six desires. When a woman cannot express her sexual desire through sex, she also has the right to solve it through masturbation. many of these women can orgasm while masturbating, but not everyone can. So some people ask how can a woman masturbate to orgasm? What are the steps for a woman to masturbate? Next, we will introduce them one by one for your reference.

女人怎么自慰能到高潮 试试这4个妙招

How can a woman masturbate to orgasm?

1. It's better to take a pillow

Many women may have inadvertently discovered the joy of pinching their legs before masturbating. But the pleasure of pinching legs is definitely not stronger than a pillow. For people who are conservative by nature and are deeply bound by etiquette, it is very exciting to put a pillow between your legs and rub the roots of your thighs.

2. DIY by hand

When DIYing your fingers, if you want to have a faster orgasm, you can adjust your breathing, first relax your muscles, use force when you inhale, hold it for a while, relax when you exhale, and practice a few more times to make your muscles soft. And keep the free hand busy and start to caress other sensitive parts of the body, such as the chest and thighs. Of course, you can also apply the right essential oils on your body to make yourself more relaxed.

3. Water flow is also a masturbation "artifact"

For women, water flow is also an "artifact" of masturbation. In the shower, use the shower head to masturbate. The space in the bathroom is concealed enough, and you can safely enjoy the pleasure brought by running water. Impacting the genital area with warm water can increase genital congestion and increase sexual excitement.

It should be noted that: control the size of the water flow, the impact of too large water flow is too large, and it is easy to be injured. In addition, it is not allowed to spray forcefully directly at the vaginal opening to avoid injury and infection.

4. You can also masturbate while riding a bicycle

When riding a bicycle, with the force and action of the foot, the important parts will be rubbed, which will bring pleasure. this is because the seat of the bicycle is hard and narrow, and riding on it can partially stimulate the genitals. In addition, the movement of twisting the waist and buttocks when riding a bicycle can enhance the stimulation.

However, if you want to reach an orgasm quickly, you still need a private space. It is best to choose a bicycle for fitness and do it in your living room, so that you can twist your body without any burden and make the orgasm come faster. Of course, it is best to wear underwear, otherwise this mechanical friction may cause you to be injured.

女人怎么自慰能到高潮 试试这4个妙招

What are the steps for a woman to masturbate?

Many women in life have the habit of masturbation, and mastering the correct masturbation steps can better protect the vagina. The following is a detailed introduction to the steps of a woman's masturbation for your reference.

1. Enter the realm of masturbation

Relax your body and mind as much as possible, take a hot bath or drink a glass of wine. Unplug the phone, lock the door, and drop the child off at a neighbor's house to make sure you don't get distracted while masturbating. Find a comfortable position. Many women prefer to lie on their backs, feet on the ground, and legs bent apart. Remove most or all of your clothing.

2. Prostitution

Think back to the time when you were so excited about sex, and you can make yourself at your best by reading sex magazines, watching erotic novels, or adult movies. Try to recall images in your mind that excite you.

3. Look for sensitive parts of the body

Touch the more sensitive parts of your body, look at your genitals in the mirror (especially for women who don't know your own genitals) and touch different parts of the genitals to find the most sensitive parts of the genitals. Find and stroke your labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vagina and perineum.

4. Touch yourself

Use one to two fingers to rhythmically massage different parts of the pussy, mainly the clitoris and labia. To find the best massage intensity, speed, and massage style, try rubbing one finger up and down one side of the clitoris, or pinch the glans of the clitoris with two fingers and massage in a circular motion.

5. Experiment

Try different massage methods, such as stroking, scratching, kneading, pinching and pulling. Try massaging with one or a few fingers, palms, or even joints.

6. Increase excitement

Learn to control your orgasm by controlling the rhythm of your masturbation, by stimulating first, then slowing down the stimulation or temporarily stopping it. At this time, you will feel the reactions of various parts of your body, and you will soon find a masturbation rhythm that suits you, and you will soon master when to speed up and when to slow down.

7. Deep breathing and shaking

Don't hold your breath, deep breathing helps to release sexual energy. Like during sexual intercourse, keep shaking your buttocks, and rhythmically contract and relax the PC muscle (PC muscle is also known as the pubococcygeus muscle). You can insert a dildo into the vagina to help the contraction and relaxation of the PC muscle.

8. Overcome difficulties

If your hands are a little sore and numb, you can take a rest or try to stimulate the genitals with a vibrator. If you are about to have an orgasm, but you can't get past the last hurdle to orgasm, you can adjust your breath or fantasize about a passionate experience. Additional stimulation can be given at this time: rubbing the nipple, thrusting a dildo, or inserting several fingers together.

9. Riding the wind and breaking the waves

Don't stop stimulating when you start to orgasm, keep stimulating and keep stimulating throughout your orgasm. Slow down the intensity of stimulation during the initial sensitive phase of orgasm, and then gradually increase stimulation after orgasm. The first orgasm feels like a shock wave, and if you keep groping with practice, you will experience many different sensations.

10. Practice makes perfect

If you can't achieve a very satisfactory result the first time, don't be discouraged, keep practicing and try to figure it out.

Masturbation is a person's sexual solo dance, and many women like to bring happiness to themselves through masturbation. Of course, the editor reminds that masturbation is not a bad thing for women, because there are some benefits of masturbation for women, but the premise is proper masturbation. Because excessive masturbation will also bring harm to a woman's health, so you must know how to masturbate in moderation.

