
Many people think that men have bigger breasts, is that true? So why do men like to rub women's breasts? How does it feel when a man rubs his chest? Can a man rub a woman's breast bigger? Let's take a look be

Many people think that men have bigger breasts, is that true? So why do men like to rub women's breasts? How does it feel when a man rubs his chest? Can a man rub a woman's breast bigger? Let's take a look below!


Kissing is a way for men and women in love to convey their unspeakable affection, a body language that expresses verbally but condenses a strong sexual message. A long, soothing, deep, passionate kiss, no matter what kind, can give people a feeling of shock and romance. According to the survey, both men and women in love are eager to kiss without exception.

⒈. According to the research of mathematicians, the arc formed when a man's hands are stretched out is very consistent with the convex arc of a woman's chest. ⒉. The most hydrated part of the body is the chest.

3. According to the research of masseurs, the best place for a woman to massage a man with her hand is the bottom crotch under the man, and the best place for a man to massage a woman with her hand is the chest.

⒋. According to the research of aestheticians, the coolest posture of a man is the moment when he is about to fight and wave, and the most beautiful posture of a woman is the moment when his chest is slightly raised.

⒌. According to the research of writers, the hands of men are the most inspirational places for women to write articles, while the breasts of women are the most inspirational places for men to write articles.

⒍. According to the research of geographers, the most resilient part of a man is the hands, while the weakest and softest part of a woman's body is the chest.

⒎. According to psychologists' research, when a man fucks a woman, the first desire is to touch his chest, and the second is to attack the bottomless crotch.

⒏. According to biologists, the bodies of men and women are born to cooperate with each other, such as a man's bottomless crotch and a woman's bottomless crotch, as well as a man's hand and a woman's chest.

⒐ According to the research of historians, among the many eunuchs in history, their hands basically became weak and weak, and the breasts of concubines who were not favored by the emperor also became soft.

⒑. According to the research of sports scientists, men often touch women's breasts with their hands to enhance their toughness, and women's breasts often touched by men can also increase water content, which is quite beneficial for the next generation of children to breastfeed.

How does it feel when a man rubs his chest? Netizen dictation: The real feeling of caressing breasts when kissing

1. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

A: I will touch it. And the harder he kisses, the more he likes to touch my breasts. One time when we were kissing in the car because I was wearing a sweater with a zip in the front. He also wanted to pull the zipper down and reach in and feel it. I feel comfortable in this way, so I don't have much dislike for his actions.

2. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Answer: Yes. He first reached into my clothes and touched my back, then moved to the front and pulled my bra up, gently rubbing it with both hands... I felt it was very comfortable, so I didn't dislike his actions too much.

3. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Answer: Yes. He first reached into my clothes and touched my back, then moved to the front and pulled my bra up, gently rubbing it with both hands... I felt it was very comfortable, so I didn't dislike his actions too much.

3. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Answer: Yes! When I kissed him in a KTV, he wanted to put his hand in and touch it, but as soon as he touched it, I took his hand out. I hate my boyfriend to touch me everywhere, I'm not used to it.

4. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Q: It will drip! At first it was just a tongue kiss, but then I would put my hand in and touch it, and sometimes it hurt me.

5. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Q: --! Of course it will. Most of my friends have been touched, hey 6. Q: Does your BF touch your chest when kissing?

Answer: Yes! Just kiss and kiss and reach in. Very comfortable.


Can a man make a woman's breast bigger by rubbing it?

1. Often being touched by people can promote blood circulation around the breast and make it develop well. (This can be done by yourself, but the effect is limited) 2. Being touched by a man stimulates the vigorous secretion of hormones (a lot of hormones that can promote breast enhancement, not only estrogen), which helps development, which is similar to many breast enhancement food principles above is the same. Just being touched by a man can stimulate the secretion of hormones, and the effect is better!

The influencing factors of breast size are still under study, but "letting men touch will make them bigger" has been proved by facts.

Some other breast enhancement tips in life to keep your head held high

[Drinking yogurt, protecting the stomach and breasts]: Yogurt has a very good effect on the protection of the stomach, and it can also play a great role in breast enhancement, so friends who like to eat yogurt may wish to eat more, of course, eat them separately. Don't eat a lot at once, that will not only bring no benefits, but will harm the body.

[Papaya Stewed Pork Ribs, Delicious Breast Enlargement Method]: Breast enhancement with gourmet foods may be a good thing that many people have not thought of, but papaya stewed ribs is indeed an effective way to solve women's breast enhancement. According to survey data, about 30 percent of women achieve the purpose of breast enhancement through this method, and they do not gain weight.

[Breast enhancement essential oil]: Breast enhancement essential oil is also a very healthy and safe breast enhancement method. You can choose the prepared compound breast enhancement essential oil, or you can buy some unilateral essential oils and prepare it yourself. If you can light a few scented candles at home, play beautiful music, and let him massage you, it will not only increase your mood, but also double the effect of essential oils to stimulate hormone secretion.

