
有一天,罗马皇帝想知道罗马帝国境内究竟有多少人口。One day the Roman emperor wanted to know the number of people who lived in the Roman Empire.在台湾有多少会员?RM: How many Toastmasters are there in Taiwan?有to have有多少

  • 有一天,罗马皇帝想知道罗马帝国境内究竟有多少人口。One day the Roman emperor wanted to know the number of people who lived in the Roman Empire.

  • 在台湾有多少会员?RM: How many Toastmasters are there in Taiwan?

  • 有to have

  • 有多少人口?What /How large is the population of.

  • 台湾Taiwan

  • 你们城市有多少人口?What is the population of you city?

  • 有点rather

  • 多少how much

  • 迈:台湾有什么必要同大陆统一?Wallace: What's in it for Taiwan to be reunified with the mainland?

  • 台湾有没有造船公司?Are there any shipbuilding companies in Taiwan?

  • 日本有多少人口?What is the population of Japan?

  • 台湾有些什么好地方可以游览?What are some good places to see in Taiwan?

  • 中国有多少人口?What is the population of China?

  • 台湾有袋鼠吗?Are there kangaroos in Taiwan?

  • 赛司:为什么台湾有这么多可恶的骗徒?Seth : Why does Taiwan have so many damned scam artists?

  • 某地有多少人口?What's the population of someplace?

  • 为什么台湾有这么多寺庙呢?Why are there so many temples in Taiwan?

  • 上海有多少人口?What is the population of Shanghai.

  • 但是现在台湾有人想搞“一国两府”,连联合国的局面都想改变Nevertheless, some people in Taiwan want to create ''one country, two governments'' and even to change the composition of the United Nations.

  • 新加坡有多少人口?How many populations has Singapore?

