
中国警告日本勿干扰中俄军演日本飞机闯入中国东海防空识别区,对中俄海上联合演习实施侦察干扰。中国军队飞机紧急升空并采取了必要的识别、防范措施,以维护参演舰机安全,确保演习顺利进行。China has scrambled fighter jets, after tw



China has scrambled fighter jets, after two Japanese jets entered China’s airspace in the East China Sea, where it was holding joint maritime drills with Russia.

The Defense Ministry said on its website that the Japanese aircraft entered the zone on Saturday, despite "no fly" notices having been issued before the naval drills. The Ministry says the intrusion is a serious violation of international laws and standards, which could have easily caused a misunderstanding and even led to a mid-air accident.

China has lodged an urgent representation to Japan and urged Japan to respect China and Russia’s rights to hold naval exercises. China says Japan will bear all the consequences if it does not stop stop reconnaissance and interference activities.


