
On Monday, the Ministry of Transport released a draft guideline to encourage and regulate the development of shared bikes, soliciting public opinions for two weeks.22日,交通运输部发布关于鼓励和规范共享单车发展的指导意见

On Monday, the Ministry of Transport released a draft guideline to encourage and regulate the development of shared bikes, soliciting public opinions for two weeks.


互联网租赁自行车(internet bike rental),俗称“共享单车”(shared bikes),是分时租赁营运非机动车,是移动互联网和租赁自行车融合(integration of mobile internet and bike rental)发展的新型服务模式,是城市绿色交通系统(green transportation system)的组成部分,是方便公众短距离出行和公共交通接驳换乘的重要方式。

意见稿要求共享单车实行实名制注册(real name registration)、使用,要求共享单车企业为用户购买人身意外伤害险(personal accident insurance)和第三者责任险(third-party liability insurance),鼓励其采用为用户提供免押金租车服务,并要求推广运用电子围栏(electronic fence)等技术。

意见稿称,不鼓励发展共享电动自行车(shared e-bikes are discouraged)。根据意见稿,各城市政府要合理布局自行车交通网络和停车设施(reasonably plan share-bike networks and parking facilities),建设自行车道和自行车停车点位(designated bike parking areas)。共享单车企业不得向未满12岁的儿童提供服务。

意见稿指出,要加强信用管理,建立企业和用户信用基础数据库(establish a user and enterprise credit database),对企业和用户不文明行为和违法违规行为记入信用记录(violations by enterprises and users will be written into their credit record),建立守信激励和失信惩戒机制。


deposit management 押金管理

client security 用户安全

parking management 停车管理

sharing economy 分享经济

car-sharing 共享汽车

