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Getting along with Your Neighbor

Part 1 Can't They Just Keep It Down? 他们就不能小点声吗?Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1Peter: What's that awful noise upstairs?Lisa: It woke me up at five o'clock in the morning.Peter: It sounds like they'r

Part 1 Can't They Just Keep It Down? 他们就不能小点声吗?

Dialogue script 1 对话原文 1

Peter: What's that awful noise upstairs?

Lisa: It woke me up at five o'clock in the morning.

Peter: It sounds like they're tearing the walls down up there.

Lisa: I think they are, literally. It sounds like they're renovating.

Peter: That's all fine and good, but can't they do it during decent hours?

Lisa: They don't realize that not everyone gets up before the crack of dawn.

Peter: And today's Sunday! I'm going up there to set them straight.


1. 俗话说,远亲不如近邻,但是有些时候糟糕的邻居会让人很头疼,比如说对话中的 Peter 和 Lisa 就遇到了这样的邻居。一大早上五点钟,Lisa就被楼上的噪音吵醒了。wake up 这个词组可以表示“醒,醒来”,比如说,What time do you usually wake up in the morning? 你平常早上几点钟醒?I woke early this morning. 我今天早上醒得很早。

2. 而wake sb up 表示“把某人叫醒”,比如说,Try not to wake the baby up. 别把孩子吵醒了。I was woken up by a noise on the street. 街上的声音把我吵醒了。Peter说听起来楼上好像是在拆房子似的。tear down 是“破坏,拆除”的意思,美语和中文一样,都用“拆房子”tearing walls down 来形容巨大的噪音或骚动,而对话中的情形也确实如此。

3. 所以Lisa说 I think they are, literally. 我想他们确实是在拆房子。Lisa回答literally,意思就是说情况和Peter比喻的一样。literally表示“精确地,准确地”,比如说,Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language. 成语一般都不能字对字地翻译成另一种语言。When he said he never wanted to see you again I'm sure he didn't mean it literally. 当他说他再也不想看见你的时候,我确定他根本就是言不由衷。literally在口语中还有加强语气的作用,比如说,I was literally bored to death. 我真的腻烦死了!

4. Lisa说楼上听起来是在装修,renovate 表示“修缮,修复,整修”,特别是对建筑物的整修,装修,名词是renovation,比如说,The college is closed for renovation. 这所学院停课进行整修。The whole building is under renovation. 整栋大楼在重新装修。Peter说装修是没有关系,但是他们就不能在比较适当的时间做吗?

5. 装修也不应该打扰别人的休息,decent,在口语中表示“好的,恰当的;像样的”,at a decent hour就是指“在比较恰当,不打扰他人的时候”。再举一些例子,The hospital has no decent equipment. 这家医院没有像样的医疗设备。That dress isn't decent for a party. 那件裙子不够体面,不适合参加派对。

6. Lisa觉得楼上的邻居根本就没考虑到不是人人都一大清早就起床,the crack of dawn指“破晓时分”,就是凌晨三四点钟左右。而且今天还是周日,一般都会睡个懒觉。这让Peter很生气,所以他决定上楼去找他们理论一番,set someone straight 指“纠正某人的错误”。

Getting along with Your Neighbor

Dialogue script 2 对话原文 2

Jenny: You're the downstairs neighbor---Peter, right? How's it going?

Peter: Could be better. Would you mind keeping it down?

Jenny: I'm sorry. We're working as fast as we can to get it done.

Peter: We can't get any shuteye down there. And Sunday is our only day to sleep in.

Jenny: All right. I'll start later, at ten. OK?

Peter: Actually, I don't think it's appropriate to make noise like that on a Sunday.

Jenny: I can't do it any other day. I'll be done soon. Don't worry.


1. 对话中,Peter来到楼上找影响别人休息的邻居Jenny理论。Jenny认得Peter是楼下的邻居,还挺客气的,downstairs 除了大家比较熟悉的做副词的用法以外,还可以作形容词,表示“楼下的”,比如说,You can use the downstairs toilet. 你可以用楼下的厕所。

2. downstairs还可以作名词,表示“楼下”,特别是指“一楼”,比如说,The whole downstairs needs repainting. 整个楼下需要重新粉刷。Jenny跟Peter打招呼,问他,How is it going? 你好吗?Peter回答说,Could be better. 可以更好的。意思就是说,如果没有你们打扰,我会更好。

3 .Peter接着说,Would you mind keeping it down? 你们能不能小声一点?keep it down的意思就是“小声一点,保持安静”。但是keep it up可不是“大声一点”的意思,而是指“保持,坚持”,比如说,Good job, Chris – keep it up! 干得好,Chris,要保持下去!

4. 原来Jenny是在赶进度,想快点把装修弄完,所以才一大早就开工了。但是Peter说在楼下吵得都不能闭会眼,而且周日是唯一可以睡懒觉的一天,can't get any shuteye表示“睡觉”,get some shuteye是“睡觉”的口语说法。sleep in 表示“睡懒觉,起床比平常晚”。

5 .Jenny说他们可以晚一点开始,就十点钟吧。但是Peter不同意,在星期天制造这么大的噪音就是不合适的,Jenny应该在其他的日子里装修。但是Jenny表示她没有办法在其他时间施工,还劝Peter不要担心,她很快就会弄好了。

Dialogue script 3 对话原文 3

Peter: Maybe you should have someone do it for you.

Jenny: Do you know how much that costs?

Peter: I know, but the noise pollution is becoming unbearable. And we've kept quiet about your washing clothes at all house of the night.

Jenny: You'll have to take that up with my roommate.

Peter: If you can't keep that noise down, I'm going to have to take action!

Jenny: You can't sue someone for renovating their house!

Peter: We'll see about that! Then maybe you'll learn some common decency!


1. Peter建议Jenny找人来施工,而不是自己来做,但是Jenny觉得那样就会花很多钱。可是噪音污染也让人难以忍受,unbearable表示“难以忍受的,不能忍受的”。

2. 而且对于Jenny他们整晚都在洗衣服的事情,Peter和Lisa也都没有吭声,keep quiet about something,表示“对某事保持沉默”。对话中是指Peter他们对深夜洗衣机运转的噪音“忍气吞声”。

3. Jenny说洗衣服的事情跟她无关,是她的室友做的。take that up with someone ,“和某人讨论某事”。take up 的用法很多,今天我们要说的是“讨论,处理”这个用法,要和某人讨论,或者处理某事,就可以用take something up with someone 这个短语。我们用一个对话来做例子,---If you don't like our service, take it up with our manager! ---I will, and I'll see that you get fired!---如果你对我们的服务不满意,就去和我们经理说啊!---我会的,而且我保证你会被炒鱿鱼!

4. Peter说不管是谁,如果Jenny他们再不控制噪音的话,他们就要采取法律行动了!take action表示“采取法律行动,控告”。Jenny辩解说,你怎么可以因为别人装修房子,就把他们告上法庭呢。

5. sue这个词表示“控告,起诉某人”,sue sb for sth 表示“因为某事对某人提起诉讼,控告某人”,比如说,If you don't complete the work, I will sue you for damages. 如果你不把工作做完,我就控告你,要你付损害赔偿金。

6. Peter说,We'll see about that! 那咱们就走着瞧吧!这句话除了用来威胁别人,当有人对你说的话不置可否的时候,你也可以说“咱们再看看好了”,让自己有个台阶下。当你对于某个方案、计划的可行性不确定,需要再评估的时候,也可以说We'll see about that! 么这时候的意思就该解释为“我们再评估看看”,当然了,如果心存不轨,想看某人笑话,We'll see about that! 这句话也很好用。我们用一个对话来做例子,---I'm going to be the top of our class, just watch! ---We'll see about that! ---我要成为班上的第一名,等着瞧吧!---我们就走着瞧!

7. Peter最后说,Then maybe you'll learn some common decency! 这样或许你会学到一些基本的礼貌。common decency就是指“一般人应该有的礼貌”。

Getting along with Your Neighbor

Dialogue script 4 对话原文 4

Peter: Are they still pounding and hammering up there?

Lisa: Not today. Jenny came over and brought cookies. It was a nice gesture.

Peter: You're such a pushover. I've had it up to there! Their dog just peed on our plants.

Lisa: Really? I was upset because their car was parked in our spot.

Peter: It's a good thing it's not there now, or I would have keyed their car.

Lisa: Calm down, Peter. Maybe we should just move. They've lived here for so long.

Peter: Maybe we should. Look on the balcony!

Lisa: Oh, no! My clothes.

Peter: She always over-waters her plants! She's getting water everywhere! And soil! My white button-downs!

Lisa: And those clothes were already dry. Now they're soaked!

Peter: I'm going up there again!

Lisa: No, Peter. I'll go. You'll just cause more problems with that temper of yours.

Peter: Fine. But your housewife diplomacy won't get us anywhere.


1. 看来Peter的强硬政策起了一点作用,今天楼上就没有再敲敲打打了,pounding and hammering 除了指装修房屋“敲敲打打”这件事,也用来形容“吵闹的敲打声”。

2. Jenny还来看望Lisa并且送给她一些自己做的小甜饼,Lisa觉得It was a nice gesture. 这是一个善意的表示。Peter就跟Lisa开玩笑说,她是个容易受骗的人,pushover就表示“容易受骗的人”。

3. Peter说他受够了,他说I've had it up to there! 这里的it可以指眼前的人或事,have had it就是“厌烦,受够了”的意思。up to there 则是指心中的不满,已经到了极限,累积到快溢出头顶了。所以说这句话的时候,有些人会同时在头顶比划,显示快到头顶了。我们用一个对话来作例子,---I've had it up to here! Those kids are too much! ---Let's get a sitter and go out tonight, then. ---我已经受够了!那些小孩子实在太累人了!---那今晚咱们就找个保姆来,我们出去散散心。

4. Peter为什么会这么生气呢?因为Jenny的狗在Peter家的盆栽上小便,pee是一个俚语词,在口语中很常用,表示“小便”,过去式就是在pee后面加上一个字母d。

5. Lisa看见Jenny把车停在他们的车位上,也觉得很生气。spot表示“地点,位置”,对话中是指“停车位”,也就是parking lot。

6. Peter气急败坏地说,还好那辆车现在不在了,不然他就会拿钥匙去刮他们的车了。这里key作为动词,表示“用钥匙划车”。

7. Lisa觉得Peter太过激动了,让他冷静下来,calm down,表示“冷静”,读音要和come down区分开,一个是长元音a:,另一个是短Λ。

8. Lisa建议搬走,Jenny他们已经住在这很长时间了,不像会搬走的样子。Peter突然发现楼上的凉台上有水滴下来,原来是Jenny他们浇花水浇多了,漏了下来。这下子Lisa洗好的衣服全都白洗了。

9. water作动词表示“浇水”,那么over-water就表示“水浇多了,过渡浇水”。不止是水,还有花盆里的泥土,整个就是泥水,可以想象Peter会多生气了,新洗的白衬衫就这样又弄脏了。Peter气得又要上去找他们。

10. Lisa说还是她去吧,Peter的脾气太暴躁,搞不好又要惹出什么事情来。这里temper就是指“容易发怒的脾气”。不过Peter觉得Lisa太好说话,估计起不了什么作用。housewife diplomacy就是形容女人间柔性诉求,动之以情的协调方式。

11. ...won't get us anywhere的意思是你的某种决定或举动,对于现状或是未来的结果,并不会有任何的改变,也就是will not make a difference. 还有,如果你觉得有些事情,不论你再怎么努力,也只会是徒劳无功,这时也可以说It won't get us anywhere.或者It won't make any difference. 我们来用一个对话作例子,---Flattery won't get you anywhere. ---Thank you for your advice. ---阿谀奉承对你不会有任何帮助。---谢谢你的忠告。

Part 2 They Decide to Move out. 他们决定搬走了。

Dialogue script 1 对话原文 1

Peter: Lisa! I've had it!

Lisa: What now?

Peter: Look! There's someone's garbage in front of our door!

Lisa: And there's a pile of plywood, too!

Peter: I have a pretty good idea whose it is!

Lisa: Don't go blaming them when you don't know. It could be some other neighbor's.

Peter: The other neighbors have class. They couldn't do such a thing.

Lisa: I guess you're right. Jenny's moving it right now.

Peter: Jenny! What are you doing leaving your garbage in front of my door?

Jenny: I had two bags, and they were too heavy to carry. So I left one here.

Peter: You don't just go off and leave your trashing lying around!

Jenny: I'm getting it now, Peter. You must have a lot of stress in your life.

Peter: And what about this plywood! You just threw it in front of our door.

Jenny: I'll clean it up! Watch your blood pressure, Peter. Stress will kill you.


1. Peter又开始抱怨了,那么现在又发生了什么状况了呢?原来Peter家门前不知道是谁放了一袋垃圾,Lisa又发现门前还堆着一堆三合板。Peter说他一看就知道是谁的了,他当然是指这又是Jenny干的好事。

2. 大家都知道,I have no idea.这句话表示“我不知道”,那么相反,如果对情况非常了解,就可以说I have a pretty good idea.可不是字面上理解的“我有一个相当好的主意。”的意思。我们来举几个例子,---I don't think you know how hard relationships are. ---I have a pretty good idea. I'm divorced. ---你不知道维系爱情关系有多难。---我非常了解,因为我已经离婚了。还有,---I have a pretty good idea how to fix this. ---Thank goodness someone understands computers. ---我修理这东西很在行。---谢天谢地,还好有一个懂电脑的人。在对话中,Peter虽然没有亲眼看见乱扔垃圾的人,但他用这个句子来表示“用膝盖想也知道”的意思。

3. Lisa劝Peter在没有确切的证据之前不要妄下判断,Peter却一口咬定就是Jenny干的,因为其他的邻居都很有素质,这里的class表示“气质,水准,素质”,比如说,She's got a lot of class. 她实在是很有气质。

4. Lisa看见Jenny在搬那些东西,就知道Peter猜的没错。Peter上前质问Jenny为什么要把垃圾放在他们家门前,Jenny解释说,因为她手里有两个垃圾袋,太重了,她拿不动,就先留下了一个。Peter指责她说,那也不能把垃圾袋乱丢阿,leave sth lying around 这个短语表示“把某物四处乱放”,She left her magazines lying around the living room. 客厅里铺天盖地都是她的杂志。

5. Jenny还觉得很奇怪,不就是个垃圾袋嘛,她现在就去收走,Peter至于这么生气吗?所以她猜Peter最近的压力太大了,所以才会乱发脾气。她还好心提醒Peter要注意自己的血压,压力太高有损健康。

Dialogue script 2 对话原文 2

Peter: Oh, that woman is driving me crazy!

Lisa: Just let it go, Peter.

Peter: Who knows how long it'll take her to clean this stuff up.

Lisa: You know, your office is far from here...

Peter: Are you proposing that we move?

Lisa: If you want to stick it out, I'll go try to communicate with them again!

Peter: No. I think all this communication has been in vain. They don't listen.

Lisa: That's why I think moving is the best solution. The place near your office is nicer anyway.

Peter: I know. I just dread the thought of moving. It's such a pain in the butt.

Lisa: We've been talking about it for a year. We should get "OFF" our butts and just do it!

Peter: You're right. Oh, geez! There they go again - the drilling!

Lisa: I'll start looking tomorrow.

Peter: And let's find out all bout the neighbors before we move in this time.

Lisa: You read my mind...


1. Peter要被Jenny逼疯了,drive someone crazy,表示“把某人逼疯”,相当于get on someone's nerves,不过程度要强一些。Lisa劝Peter想开一些,Just let it go.

2. let...go的使用情景很多,最基本的用法正是它字面上的意思,“把…放开”,比如说,“放开我的手。” 我们可以说Let go of my hand. 或者有人说他因为很郁闷,想要大叫发泄情绪,你就可以对他说,Let it go! 想叫就叫吧。

3. 上面这个let it go其实还有另外一种解释,就是要对方放开胸怀,忘了已经发生的事情,别计较太多,可以说成“算了吧。”。比如说---I can't believe Tom dumped me. ---You have to let it go. ---我不敢相信Tom甩了我。---你得把他忘了。

4. 也可以解释为“放过某人,让某人离开”的意思,比如说,---Maybe I should go after her. ---Naw, just let her go. ---也许我应该跟着她。---算了,随她去吧。Peter也不知道Jenny什么时候能把装修搞好,Lisa觉得他们还是搬家的好。

5. Peter还在犹豫不决,Lisa说如果Peter还想坚持到底的话,她就会继续和Jenny沟通。stick it out在口语中表示“忍受到最后,坚持到底”,it泛指“任何事情”。Peter觉得沟通也没有用了,他们不会改变的。in vain这个习语表示“徒劳地,无效地”。比如说,He tried in vain to sleep.他怎么也睡不着。All our work was in vain. 我们做的一切都白做了。

6. 所以Lisa觉得搬家才是治本之道,而且在Peter办公室附近环境也比较好。Peter也认为是这样,不过他只是怕搬家,因为搬家很麻烦。a pain in the butt 就是指“令人厌烦的人或者事物”。搬家的事情他们已经商量了一年了,现在是开始实行的时候了。Lisa说We should get "OFF" our butts and just do it! 我们应该采取实际行动了。

7. get off one's butts 是指“某人该动身出发,该做些实际的事情了。”这里是Lisa故意接Peter的话,因为他说搬家这件事是a pain in the butt。Peter也同意Lisa的想法。刚说到这,楼上又传来了电钻的声音,Lisa也忍无可忍了,说明天就开始找房子。

8. Peter说这次搬家之前一定要查清楚邻居的底细才能搬进去。Lisa完全同意,她说,You read my mind 我们真是心有灵犀阿。

