
这对北京的孩子来说真是一个好消息。北京城内有一座免费的冰雪公园开放了!父母们更容易让孩子体会到冬日之乐了。这座冰雪公园将于2月26日对外免费开放。春节时将举行一系列活动,大量北京民间艺人聚集将是活动的一大特色。There's good


There's good news for children in Beijing. There's now a free snow park right within the city that's making it easier for parents to give their kids a taste of winter fun.

Children are in high spirits as they enter this snowy world. Playing around on the slopes, the children seem thrilled.

Most of Beijing’s larger ski and snow resorts lie in the countryside and take time to commute to, making this park a more convenient option.

The snow park will be open for free until February 26th. A series of events featuring Beijing folk performers will be held during the Spring Festival.

