金价创新高 但金市未必强劲(双语)

Poor Matt. My MarketBeat cohort hasn't liked gold for a long, long time, but it keeps on jumping. Old Yeller clipped a fresh record today, settling at $1439.90/oz on Comex.可怜的马特(Matt Phillips)。我这位《市场脉动》

Poor Matt. My MarketBeat cohort hasn't liked gold for a long, long time, but it keeps on jumping. Old Yeller clipped a fresh record today, settling at $1439.90/oz on Comex.

可怜的马特(Matt Phillips)。我这位《市场脉动》的同事很长时间里都不喜欢黄金,但金价还是在不断蹿升。今天,金价又创下了新高,纽约商品交易所(Comex)的黄金结算价格涨到了每盎司1439.90美元。

Matt's view of the barbarous relic has shown up in several posts. Back in January, he highlighted how Warren Buffett's pal Charlie Munger basically hates dark-hearted goldbugs.

Everett马特(Matt)一直在抵制黄金的诱惑。马特在好几篇文章里表达了他对黄金的看法。今年1月,马特还曾强调巴菲特的得力干将之一芒格(Charlie Munger)是何等憎恶那些黑心的金本位投资者。

In November, he brought us a raft of analysts who thought gold's rally had gotten overdone. Earlier that month, he confessed that Old Yeller kept defying his bearish view.


Last September he pointed out that gold-vending machines (not to mention numerous gold advertisements on television and billboards) surely meant gold was topping out.


Now, Old Yeller may be at a fresh record, but Matt may be more right than it may seem. 眼下,金价也许创下了新高,但马特的看法或许没有错的那么离谱。

Since September 27, gold has risen to $1439.90 from $1296.70, a gain of about 11%. The S&P 500, meantime, has done even better over the same period, rising 16%.


Old Yeller may be higher, but it's underperformed the stock market over the past several months. That might surprise giddy goldbugs on a new record day.


