
craven n. 懦夫 ---------coward A hero risks his life to help others; a craven runs from the scene.trepidation n. 惊恐; 惶恐 -------nervous agitation; fear; fright; trembling I thought Carol would be nervous when she mad

craven n.  懦夫

A hero risks his life to help others; a craven runs from the scene.  
trepidation n. 惊恐; 惶恐

-------nervous agitation; fear; fright; trembling 
I thought Carol would be nervous when she made her speech, but she delivered it without trepidation.  
cower vi.  (因恐惧,痛苦等)畏缩 

-------draw back trembling; shrink or crouch in fear; cringe; recoil 
Brave men defy tyrants, instead of cowering before them.  
intimidate vt. 胁迫; 威胁(某人做某事)

------make fearful or timid; frighten; force by fear; cow; bully 
The younger boys would not have given up the playing field so quickly if the older boys hadn't intimidated them.  
apprehensive adj. 不安的; 忧虑的
------expecting something unfavorable; afraid; anxious 
Several apprehensive parents telephoned the school when the children were late in getting home from the museum trip.  
dastardly adj. 欺善怕恶的; 懦弱的

-------cowardly and mean 
It was dastardly of the caption to desert the sinking vessel and leave the passengers to fend for themseves.  
timid adj. 胆怯的 

-----lacking courage or self-confidence; fearful; timorous; shy 
If the other team challengers us, we should accept. Let's not be so timid! 

