
马航搜索范围再次缩小从吉隆坡开往北京的马航MH370已经失联36天了。据珀斯联合机构协调中心消息,今日马航搜寻范围已再次缩小至41,393 平方公里。It's been 36 days since the Beijing-bound jetliner disappeared after taking off from


从吉隆坡开往北京的马航MH370已经失联36天了。据珀斯联合机构协调中心消息,今日马航搜寻范围已再次缩小至41,393 平方公里。

It's been 36 days since the Beijing-bound jetliner disappeared after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, with 239 people on-board. The Joint Agency Coordination Center in Perth says the search area for Saturday has been narrowed again to 41,393 square kilometers.

The center of the area is some 2,300 kilometers northwest of Perth. Ten aircrafts and 14 ships are being deployed. Planes are still scanning the ocean for possible debris.

A Chinese military plane, Ilyushin IL-76, took off from Perth International Airport early this morning. For the past week, it's been the first plane out.

Ocean waves in the search area can reach about one meter, with visibility of five kilometers in showers.

Yesterday, search aircraft spotted several objects, but none of the objects later retrieved were related to the missing plane.

Australian authorities also confirmed on Friday that the signal detected Thursday by its Royal Australian Air Force Orion Aircraft was not from the black box of the missing plane.

