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就能喝掉28亿杯咖啡,随处可见的便利商店更是每秒就能卖出13杯外带咖啡,由此可见我们对于咖啡的需求和消费能力,这股「黑金」浪潮创造了无限商机。“I’d like to have a cup of coffee.”这句话对我们来说再熟悉不过了,但你知道吗?


“I’d like to have a cup of coffee.”这句话对我们来说再熟悉不过了,但你知道吗? “cup of coffee”也可称作“cup of Joe”?咖啡跟乔这个人有什么关系啊? cup of Joe的由来有很多,其中一种说法是源自于美国1930年代,当时正值第一次世界大战时期,海军部长Josephus Daniels颁布禁酒令,禁止海军舰艇上储存酒类并禁止海军饮酒,因此海军们只能借「咖啡」浇愁,也开始称他们每天喝的咖啡为“cup of Joe”,作为一种嘲弄上级命令的形式。现在,cup of Joe通常是指黑咖啡(black coffee),但你也可以用它来指称任何以咖啡为基底的饮料。

→Gee! I really need a cup of Joe before the big meeting.


→Could you get me a cup of Joe? I need my caffeine fix to wake myself up.




In the world, people drink more than 400 billion cups of coffee each year.


According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Finland is the most coffee consumption country in the world.


International Coffee Day, which was started in 2015, is October 1. this occasion is to promote coffee, especially fair trade coffee, as well as to raise awareness for the plight of the coffee growers.


Coffee can preserve your muscles, make the immune system stronger and help you workout harder.


In 15thcentury, Turkish law made it legal for a wife to divorce her husband if he failed to provide her with her daily quota of coffee.


