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过渡词(transition words)也称为转折词,它有承上启下的作用,使句子与句子之间顺畅连贯,达到完整呈现讯息的目的。过渡词可用于商业或日常生活、写作或谈话。适当的使用过渡词,可以帮助人们在各种情况下更好的表达自己,让读者或听者

过渡词(transition words)也称为转折词,它有承上启下的作用,使句子与句子之间顺畅连贯,达到完整呈现讯息的目的。过渡词可用于商业或日常生活、写作或谈话。适当的使用过渡词,可以帮助人们在各种情况下更好的表达自己,让读者或听者理解你想要传递的讯息。过渡词有顺序、强调、对比、总结等多种类型。在线上英文学习,我们将为你介绍常用的过渡词,伴随有趣范例,增加你学习的乐趣。 1. 表达“时间”(Time) 的过渡词 这类过渡词具有时间限制功能,常见的有:


at the same time与此同时

in the meantime 同时

sooner or later 迟早

eventually 终于

as soon as 尽快

without delay 不延误

at this instant 此时

例子: We are getting ready to leave for the shopping mall. In the meantime, dad goes to fill up the car with gas. 我们正准备去购物中心。与此同时,爸爸为汽车填满汽油。 Sally got tired of John calling her all the time eventually, since she was not interested in him. 莎莉最终厌倦了约翰一直打电话给她,因她对他不感兴趣。 2.  表达“顺序”(Sequence) 的过渡词 一般用在显示多个讯息在时间或空间上的顺序关系:

next 接着、下一个

subsequently 后来

thereafter 其后

first / second / third (第一、第二、第三)

firstly / secondly / thirdly (第一、第二、第三)

first of all 首先

to begin with 首先、开始

Initially 原来

in the first place 首先

last / lastly 最后

例子: Jenny has to run an errand in the morning. Next, she is going for a haircut. 早上珍妮必须出去办一件琐事。接下来,她要去修剪头发。 There are many reasons why I like her. To begin with, she loves coffee as I do. 我喜欢她的原因有很多。首先,她和我一样喜欢咖啡。 3.  表达“补充”(Addition) 的过渡词 把一个讯息建立在另一个讯息之上,目的是要增加说明、强化思想,并且对前一个句子表示同意:


in addition 此外

additionally 另外

on top of that 除此之外、更重要的是

besides 此外

furthermore 此外

moreover 此外、而且

also 也

as well as 也、以及

例子: I will take many photographs when I travel. In addition, I purchase cookbooks that feature recipes of local cuisines of the countries I visit, as well as some special souvenirs for friends. 我会在旅行时拍许多照片。此外,我会购买有当地特色菜肴的食谱,以及一些特别的纪念品送给朋友。 4.  表达“对照”(Contrast) 的过渡词 用于显示两个概念或讯息的区别,或是相反的证据,变成原本讯息的对比:

by contrast 相比之下

in contrast 相反

conversely 相反地

on the contrary 反之

on the other hand 另一方面

however 但是、然而

nevertheless 虽然、然而

nonetheless 尽管如此

while 然而

in spite of 尽管

例子: People use 43 muscles when they frown. However, they use only 28 muscles when they smile. 人们在皱眉时使用43块肌肉。但是,微笑时只使用28块肌肉。 I want a job that pays more. On the other hand, I enjoy what I am doing right now. 我想要个薪水更好的工作。另一方面,我还是很享受目前的职位。 5.  表达“强调”(Emphasis) 的过渡词 用来强调、支持想要表达的讯息,使它的重点更加突出:

indeed 的确

obviously 明显的

particularly 尤其

in particular 尤其

especially 特别地

most importantly 最重要的

seriously 认真的、严肃的

as a matter of fact 事实上

例子: He carries two bags full of toys and children clothes walking to the local orphanage. Obviously, he is going to donate them. 他带着两个装满玩具和儿童服装的袋子走向当地的孤儿院。很明显的,他要捐赠出去。 Do no complain about not having your dream house. Most importantly, you have a good job and a roof over your head. 不要抱怨未能拥有你梦想中的房子。最重要的是,你有一个好工作和一片屋顶(屋子)。

6. 表达“比较”(Comparison) 的过渡词 可以用在两个相似的讯息之间,表明两者之间的连接关系:

not only … but also 不但。 。而且。 。

in the same way 同样方式

similar to 如同

similarly 同样

comparatively 比较

in comparison 相比之下

likewise 同样

例子: This car not only is economical but also feels good to drive. 这辆车子不仅经济实惠,而且驾驶的感觉很好。 In winter, the days become comparatively short. 在冬季,白天变得相对比较短。 7.  表达“举例”(Example) 的过渡词 通过举例,想要说明讯息的重要性,或是作为一个例证:

for example 例如

take … for example 以。 。为例

for instance 例如

namely 亦即、也就是

such as 就好比

including 包括

to name a few 举几个例子

to put it differently 换一种说法

in this case 在这种情况下

as an illustration 举个证例

例子: Many women continue their work after getting married or having children. Take Anne for example, who works full time and still manages to look after her family and two children. 许多妇女在结婚或生小孩后继续工作。以安妮为例,她全职工作,仍然可以照顾家庭与两个孩子。 Lily is addicted to stationery. She likes to collect all kind of stationery items including notebooks, fountain pens, washi tapes, rubber stamps and paper clips. 莉莉是个文具控。她喜欢收集所有类型的文具,包括笔记本,钢笔,纸胶带,印章和回纹针。

8. 表达“结论”(Conclusion) 的过渡词 要总结和重申观点,或者最后的陈述,用来显示一个讯息的结果:

in conclusion 总体而言

in summary 总结

to summarize 总结

to sum up 总结

by and large 总结而言

all things considered 考虑到整体而言

after all 毕竟

finally 最后

on the whole 总体上

in short 简而言之 例子: Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across? 那么,总结一下,你试图传达什么讯息呢? No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there is always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises. 无论你的生活如何或年纪多大,总是有新的事物可以学习。毕竟,生活充满了惊喜。适当的使用过渡词,可以让句子与句子之间的连贯有逻辑性,也更好的表达讯息。希望这篇文章能够引起你学习英文过渡词的兴趣。

