
4名上海人在巴布亚新几内亚遇害据中国驻巴布亚新几内亚使馆证实,4名中国人在巴布亚新几内亚首都莫尔斯比港一面包店遇害,遇害人均来自中国上海。Four Chinese were stabbed to death in a bakery on Monday in Papua New Guinea's capit



Four Chinese were stabbed to death in a bakery on Monday in Papua New Guinea's capital of Port Moresby, confirmed by the Chinese Embassy in Papua New Guinea.

Cao Junjun, Chinese diplomat in Papua New Guinea, told Xinhua on Wednesday, "the three men and a woman were in a bakery when they were killed by masked criminal at around 9 pm local time on Monday."

The diplomat rushed to the scene one hour after the attack. They've confirmed the four deads all come from China's Shanghai.

The only Chinese survivor told the diplomat that some of cash in the bakery has gone missing.

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill Wednesday condemned the killing in a statement and called the attack "brutal and cowardly", while saying an investigation is underway.

The prime minister also urged the business community to stay calm.

Wang Yanbo, the other Chinese diplomat in Papua New Guinea, told Xinhua, "now we consider this attack is a pure criminal case. "

Papua New Guinea is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and has strong growth in mining and resource sector.

Papua New Guinea recently passed legislation expanding its use of the death penalty, because the country has suffered high levels of violence and murder.

