
Under the new proposal, the top four seeds would be slotted by record among the three division winners and the team with the next-best record.按照新的提议,三个分区冠军和除此之外总战绩最好的球队,将按战绩排序确定前四位种

Under the new proposal, the top four seeds would be slotted by record among the three division winners and the team with the next-best record.按照新的提议,三个分区冠军和除此之外总战绩最好的球队,将按战绩排序确定前四位种子。NBA正在酝酿修改季后赛球队的排名规则。如果按照新的规则,马刺本赛季仍排第一,小牛第二,这样他们就不会在半决赛相遇。

Game 3s, in particular, cause headaches for the Pistons, who are 4-11 in those contests over the last five seasons. Their most successful season of Game 3s came in 2004, when they captured 3-of-4 of those games and won the NBA championship.(系列赛)第三场让活塞队极为头疼,过去5个赛季他们在这里4胜11负。活塞最好的(系列赛)第三场战绩出现在2004年,4战3胜并最终夺得NBA总冠军。今年他们已经打过两次系列赛的第三场,都输掉了。算上输给骑士的这场,活塞过去的11次客场第三战输掉了10次。

Jason Kidd's triple-double was the ninth of his playoff career, which tied him with Wilt Chamberlain for third place on the all-time list.(第四场)基得获得了职业生涯中季后赛的第九个三双,这使他与张伯伦在(季后赛)三双榜上并列第三。“魔术师”约翰逊以30次列季后赛三双榜第一名。

Cassell entered the postseason with more playoff experience than the rest of his teammates combined.卡塞尔的季后赛出场次数比快艇队其他所有球员加到一起还多。作为一名征战NBA13年的老将,卡塞尔拥有112场季后赛经验,而快艇其他人的总数为110场。

Dallas cleared out for Nowitzki. He bumped against defensive nemesis Bruce Bowen and drew a key foul.(第4场比赛结束前8.5秒,马刺111比109领先)小牛队拉开,让诺维茨基单打防守对头布鲁斯·鲍文,诺维茨基与对手撞倒一起,造成对手犯规。

clear out: 拉开,指进攻球员都站在外围,把禁区清空,让本队球星单打。

nemesis: 有报应、复仇女神的意思,在这里指强大的对手。

The James-Wade rivalry has the potential to become a classic because the players are likely to face each other in the postseason for many years.由于詹姆斯韦德之间的季后赛竞争将持续很多年,“詹韦对抗”具有成为NBA经典的潜质。

rivalry: 竞争,对抗。

classic: 经典。詹姆斯和韦德最近一次相遇是上个月的常规赛,詹姆斯47分、12个篮板、10次助攻,韦德44分、8个篮板、9次助攻。

