奢侈品专业委员会成立 为二手奢侈品交易保驾护航

近年来,二手奢侈品交易量在国内快速增长,中国更是跃升为全球最大的奢侈品消费市场,为了制定行业规范和通用的鉴定标准,中国出入境检验检疫协会日前成立了奢侈品专业委员会。A customer shops at a secondhand luxury store in Shangha


奢侈品专业委员会成立 为二手奢侈品交易保驾护航

A customer shops at a secondhand luxury store in

Shanghai on Dec 9, 2021. [Photo provided to China Daily]

With prices of luxury products rising and the popularity of livestreaming

e-commerce blossoming in the country, secondhand luxury products are seeing

strong growth in China.


China has emerged as a major market for new and secondhand luxury products

with significant growth potential, but a sound industry standard has not been

established yet.


To this end, a professional committee for luxury products was established

last Friday to better meet market demand by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and

Quarantine Association-a voluntary nonprofit nationwide social organization

composed of market players related to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine

sectors of the country.


The committee aims to formulate industry standards and institutionalized

communication mechanisms. By gathering experts, appraisal agencies and retailers

together, the committee hopes to unify appraisal standards and assess the range

of valuation of certain products.


China has become the largest luxury consumption market globally. In 2021,

sales of personal luxury products in China reached 471 billion yuan ($74

billion), up 36 percent year-on-year, a report by consultancy Bain& Co



Unlike some Western markets, young Chinese consumers have become the main

demographic for luxury spending in China, and the trend has been prominent in

the secondhand luxury market as well, said a report by market research firm



For secondhand luxury goods, its business scale accounts for 5 percent of the

total luxury market in China, which is 20 percent to 30 percent lower than

figures seen in some developed markets, according to a report by the University

of International Business and Economics and Youshe Yipai, a platform for

secondhand luxury deals.


Despite the fact that spending on luxury goods has grown rapidly in China,

the nation has insufficient talent and experience in the luxury market.


"The professional committee should do more industry analysis, provide

guidance to the sector and strengthen the fostering of more talents," said Wang

Qinhua, a former senior official with the Ministry of Commerce.



blossoming 开花 ; 变得更加健康 ; blossom的现在分词

in the country 在乡下

growth potential 增长潜力;生长势

industry standard 行业标准

market demand 市场需求

composed of 由…组成


