
越南制造用英语怎么说?请看《中国日报》的报道:In the past year, Vietnam has become more attractive as a low-cost production base in the region. Many Hong Kong manufacturers have moved to Indonesia, too. But Vietnam is mu



"In the past year, Vietnam has become more attractive as a low-cost production base in the region. many Hong Kong manufacturers have moved to Indonesia, too. But Vietnam is much closer. Hanoi is less than two hours by air. It's also convenient to visit by highway from the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region."


一个是内陆工人工资的普遍提高,一个是人口老龄化导致的working-age population(劳动人口)的减少,再加上appreciating Chinese currency(人民币升值)的因素,中国也许有朝一日将失去“世界工厂”的地位,全球各地随处可见的made in China(中国制造)可能将被made in Vietnam(越南制造)或made in Myanmar(缅甸制造)取代。

由于中国的劳动力越来越“昂贵”,一些严重依赖廉价劳动力的apparel makers(服装制造商)只能转而去东南亚国家开设knitting factory(针织厂)或garment factory(服装厂)。而且未来中国的环保法规将更为严格,涉及洗染等污染环境的工序的工厂也必须搬迁海外。

