
三个1亿人用英语怎么说?三个1亿人问题可用three tasks concerning 100 million people来表示,具体说来就是:促进约1亿农业转移人口落户城镇(granting urban residency to around 100 million rural people who have moved to cities)


“三个1亿人”问题可用three tasks concerning 100 million people来表示,具体说来就是:促进约1亿农业转移人口落户城镇(granting urban residency to around 100 million rural people who have moved to cities),改造约1亿人居住的城镇棚户区和城中村(rebuilding rundown city areas and villages inside cities where around 100 million people live),引导约1亿人在中西部地区就近城镇化(guiding the urbanization of around 100 million rural residents of the central and western regions in cities there)。

