
中国驻朝鲜大使馆举办庙会Visiting temple fairs is a must for many Chinese people to celebrate the lunar new year. Now, the Chinese embassy in the DPRK is bringing its own temple fair to Pyongyang. We join the exciting fes


Visiting temple fairs is a must for many Chinese people to celebrate the lunar new year. Now, the Chinese embassy in the DPRK is bringing its own temple fair to Pyongyang. We join the exciting festivities.

The temple fair kicks off in Pyongyang with a dynamic folk dance performance.

In addition to the dance, demonstrations of traditional Chinese crafts like papercutting and calligraphy are also attracting a crowd.

"This is the year of the horse, and I just got this from the artist who painted it."

Dumplings and glutinous rice balls are the stars on the dinner table for spring festival.

And as this tradition is shared here, many locals roll up their sleeves to try making dumplings themselves.

"It’s not that hard to make dumplings. Happy Chinese New Year to you all."

This is the second year for China’s embassy in the DPRK to hold a temple fair, and about 180 locals and ambassadors have been invited.

