
2016年奥运会:中国代表团里约奥运村升国旗里约奥运村村长阿卡恩在里约热内卢里约奥运村为世界顶级运动员抵达里约举办了升旗仪式。中国代表团在里约奥运村升起了中国国旗。In Rio de Janeiro, the Mayor of the Olympic Village, Janeth



In Rio de Janeiro, the Mayor of the Olympic Village, Janeth Arcain, has welcomed the world's top athletes to Rio at the Village’s flag-raising ceremony. China’s delegation was there, and raised China’s national flag.

More than 200 athletes and coaches attended the ceremony, including Chinese world champion swimmers Ning Zetao and Sun Yang.

China has sent 711 delegate members to this year’s Games in Rio, including more than 400 Chinese athletes. It is the largest Chinese delegation ever to attend an Olympics on foreign soil.

