
全国儿童预防接种日英文报道今天是第30个全国儿童预防接种日。今年预防接种日的主题是依法预防接种,享受健康生活。Monday marks the 30th National Immunization Day for children in China. Campaign activities are centered around en



Monday marks the 30th National Immunization Day for children in China. Campaign activities are centered around encouraging vaccinations and healthy living.

Around the country, health departments promoted awareness of the need to immunize children. The day was first set in 1986, with the aim to push for immunization rate for certain diseases. Nowadays, children are given wide-ranging free vaccinations covering diseases like polio and hepatitis B.  Government efforts seek to make the process more convenient.

Children are given their first shots in the hospitals they are born in, and after that, they can go to any community hospital where they live.

