人大男生向另一男生表白 现场热烈拥吻

导读:日前,中国人民大学一位男同学公开向另一位男同学表白示爱,引起众人围观。随着两人当天晚上表白场景的照片公开在微博上,这对男生情侣立即引发了网友不同的声音与讨论。img data-cke-saved-src=http://cms.iyuba.com/cms/news/imag


<img data-cke-saved-src="http://cms.iyuba.com/cms/news/image/46953.jpg" src="http://cms.iyuba.com/cms/news/image/46953.jpg" alt="“人大男生向另一男生表白" 现场热烈拥吻_英语新闻报道"="">

One young man recently attracted a crowd of students at Renmin University when he publicly announced his love for another young man. As pictures of the scene were shared on Weibo, the two lovebirds drew mixed reactions.


On the evening of May 20, a Beijing Renmin University student publicly announced his love for another young man and kissed him in the middle of the campus area. A large group of students watching the scene responded with enthusiasm when the Renmin student told his friend: “I will be with you, not to play basketball, but to kiss you.”


Pictures of the scene were shared on Sina Weibo over the past two days. But not all comments were as warm as those of the Renmin crowd. “It’s disgusting,” some netizens wrote. “Talking about discriminating gay people,” one person wrote: “I cannot help it – won’t mankind perish if everyone’s gay? In my opinion, gay people should go and see a psychiatrist.” Another person says: “They are a disgrace to the university and when their parents see this, they’ll faint.”


But many people also send the new couple their blessings: “Love goes beyond gender, bless you!” Some people also worry what the consequences of this public event might be for the two young men: “I wonder how Renmin University will respond to this. If these students get expelled, I would really lose hope in Chinese universities.”


Although public acceptance of homosexuals has been slowly growing in Chinese society, gay emancipation has also seen many setbacks throughout the years. Last March, the Chinese government banned depictions of gay people on television as part of a cultural crackdown on “vulgar” or “unhealthy” content. The very popular web series ‘Addicted’ about a college gay romance was taken offline the previous month. However, at the same time, mainland China’s first gay movie was approved for cinemas.


