日航因国际航空旅行困难重新分配 3,000 名员工

日航因国际航空旅行困难重新分配 3,000 名员工

TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan Airlines Co. will transfer around 3,000 employees to low-cost carrier and other non-core operations as international and business travel continue to be hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, company sources


Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Bangkok, Thailand where he will meet with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai to reaffirm the U.S.


Sadly, my husband passed away in May, 2021, before we moved to our new home. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April and died a few weeks later. It was very unexpected. It also caused me to rethink my retirement
胡志明市加速欢迎 MICE 旅客

胡志明市加速欢迎 MICE 旅客

Visiting a number of Southeast Asian countries as well as the Asian region, Ms. Nguyen Thi Be Hai, a resident of Nguyen Tat Thanh Street in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 4, said that the river landscape in Ho Chi Minh Cit

南极洲旅游业与科学共荣 南极洲旅游业与科学共荣

'Trip of a lifetime' is how many describe going to Antarctica. This incrediblyalluringbutremotelocation attracts around 60,000 visitors each year.许多人将前往南极洲称为 “终生难得的旅行”。这个极具魅力而偏远的地


How tourism and science work together in Antarctica

本集内容How tourism and science work together in Antarctica 南极洲旅游业与科学共荣学习要点有关 “adventure(冒险)” 的词汇边看边答How many visitors go to Antarctica each year?文字稿'Trip of a lifetime' is how ma


游乐的英文:(v) amuse oneself参考例句:They have an expansive grassy play area.他们有一片广阔的游乐草地。The fete organizer and her retinue of helpers游乐义卖会的组织人和她的一群助手.Exuberant children at a fair.在游乐场


导读:旅游业已成为中国经济的支柱,成为世界上最大的出境旅游市场和世界第四大旅游目的地。China has become the worlds largest outbound tourism market and the worlds fourth largest tourist destination, China National Tourism A


导读:承德不仅仅是座旅游城市,更是遍地美食!You may consider Chengde a tourist city, but dont ignore the distinguished food culture here.你可能觉得承德是座旅游城市,但是你不能忽视它独特的饮食文化。In fact, Chengde has a f