
测验与练习1.阅读课文并回答问题。1. What might we have been doing before we started watching cat videos?2. What do many of us think are the characteristics of dogs?3. What do many of us think are the characteristics of ca



深度解读 | “西游记”走进中考英语作文题

2022年 045篇作文解析2022中考英语少年乘风起 一切皆可期中考落幕6月16日上午2022年中考如期收官三天的考试顺利结束。当最后一门考试交卷铃声响起,对大多数考生来说一场名为“中考”的人生历练就此结束了意味着准备更高层次的学习即将开




2022中考英语作文热点预测及优秀满分范文押题素材:疫苗接种(一)谈论疫苗经历接种疫苗(get vaccinated)是预防和控制传染病最经济、有效的公共卫生干预措施,对于家庭、社会和国家来说都是减少成员疾病发生、减少医疗费用的有效手段。


句型一:分词作状语Moved bythe kids in the village, I decided to donate all my money to them.被汶川的孩子们感动了,我决定把我所有的钱都捐给他们。SeeingDad working so hard, I could not help bursting into tears.看到父亲工作


01写人叙事类❖ 好句积累【开头句】1.Today I am glad to introducea teenager. His name is Cheng Xin.2. I'm Li Hua andI'm very happy to stand here to talk about myself.3.There is always something unforgettable in my

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